Heurist is an Open Source collaborative web database service for recording, managing, analysing, visualising, publishing and archiving richly interlinked and heterogeneous research data without the need for a dedicated server, programming or a great deal of technical support. Unlike most database systems, the structure of a database can be instantly modified and extended as research needs evolve, without affecting existing content. All interaction is through a standard web browser.
Heurist provides: web bookmarking; bibliographic functions including Zotero synchronisation; flexible data import (CSV, XML, KML, JSon, bookmarks); export of CSV, XML, JSon, KML, Gephi and archival data packages, custom reporting, network, map and timeline visualisations; web site generation and management (built-in CMS). For advanced users there is an API and the ability to extend the software with new widgets.
Heurist databases are inherently sustainable due to a well-documented and stable underlying MySQL data structure, shared hosting on a small number of servers, and a single point of maintenance (all databases use the same program code and are upgraded and patched automatically if required).
Subsequent databases can be created from within Heurist using Database > New Database. You become the owner of the new databases created. |
Browse the list of databases on this server. You will only be able to open databases for which you have login details. |
A one-stop shop for everything Heurist, including full documentation, training materials, workshops, hosted Heurist services, exemplars and annotated database templates |
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Heurist (C) 2005 - 2019 The University of Sydney.
See HeuristNetwork.org
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